Category:Construction -> Metallic constructions
Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Wołomin-Zagościniec |
Street: Owocowa 1 (wjazd od Grzybowej)
Phone: +48 22 7764424
Fax: +48 22 7764424 |
Firm Rank: |
Głównie produkujemy okna drzwi PCV z niemieckiego, bezołowiowego profilu Plustec. Jednak wykonujemy również konstrukcje: drzwi i okna aluminiowe, zabudowy balkonów, loggy, tarasu itp., a także moskitiery, okienne rolety materiałowe / juty, verticale materiałowe / pcv, okienne żaluzje aluminiowe / drewniane, parapety zewnętrzne / wewnętrzne i inne dodatki lub okucia do okien. Prowadzimy oczywiście nie tylko sprzedaż okien i innych rzeczy,[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Lublin
City: Lublin |
Street: Energetyków 14
Phone: +48 81 7445779
Fax: +48 81 7490051 |
Firm Rank: |
 Its two owners, Jan Kidaj and Mieczysław Daniel, as well as part of the staff, launched the production of registration plates at a small factory in Lublin using their own financial resources.
Thanks to a production method previously unknown in Poland, the product soon gained recognition and was in greater and greater demand. The corporation gradually expanded, devoting its profits from the sales of readymade products to investments to help expand production.
Since 1991 the Corporation has[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Silesia
City: Bielsko-Biała |
Street: Maturzystów 1
Phone: +48 33 8144159
Fax: +48 33 8144159 |
Firm Rank: |
 we are pleased to present our company and its trade offer to you:
front guard transomed and pillar walls
balconies and terraces furnishes
aluminium doors and windows with thermal partition
pvc system trocal doors and windows
aluminium and wood windows with termal partition
shop windows
winter gardens, hothouses
show- cases, display cases
cashiers wickets and bank counting offices furnishes
aluminium cars' barriers, varnished according to ral
inside and outside sliding doors (automatic[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Pomerania
City: Gdańsk |
Street: Śnieżna 1
Phone: +48 58 3437745
Fax: +48 58 3437743 |
Firm Rank: |
 O.B.S. SPAW-TEST started its production in 1989. Originally it operated in the research and training in the scope of welding technology for the heating power industry.
Next from the beginning of 90’s it was operating in innovation and technical progress. As one of the first in Europe it made a production use of an invention which removes pollution from water heating nets with the help of magnetic field. O.B.S.
SPAW-TEST made a fundamental influence on change in operation of technical heating[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Lower Silesia
City: Wrocław |
Street: Ostrowskiego 13B
Phone: +48 71 3593800
Fax: +48 71 3590347 |
Firm Rank: |
 Tensator is the inventor of the world leading Tensabarrier® retractable queue management system. We provide the largest range of crowd control, in-queue merchandising, cable/rod based retail display, electronic call forward/information and retail security products.[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Lesser Poland
City: Tarnów |
Street: Wałowa 34
Phone: +48 14 6791590
Fax: +48 14 6791590 |
Firm Rank: |
Jesteśmy wykonawcą konstrukcji stalowych tj. hale magazynowe i produkcyjne, stacje paliw, salony sprzedaży, kioski itp. Produkujemy również kontenery z przeznaczeniem na zaplecze budowlane (biurowe, socjalne, magazynowe, osłonowe). Interesuje nas nawiązanie współpracy w charakterze podwykonawcy.[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa |
Street: Dzielna
Phone: +48 604966340
Fax: |
Firm Rank: |
* specialization: steel framework building
* general execution of detached houses and service-trade structures on the customers' plots
* complex realization of the project from the design to its execution[...]